Natural medicine has a place, not believing that pharmacy was a hoot, but somewhere in between, so we are stuck with ahoo to list pharmacyahoo + domain registered 22 years.
Stem cells, CRISPR, CAR T-cells and Shape-morphing Microrobots (SMMRs) may cure cancer and other diseases. Biopharma companies researching such an endeavor would need this domain name + domain registered 21 years.
Contains real information other than the PhRMA site which states: "We believe there’s a better way to approach health care in the United States." So, let us, the pharmacists who deal with the public, find a better way + domain registered 13 years + .biz, .cc, .com, .info, .us domains inclusive.
Do PharmDs care about patients, certainly they care. This is a broad subject for pharmacy since the extra degree conferred beyond the Bachelor of Science, notice the partnership with MDs in the name of the domain, both clinicians at heart + domain proudly registered 22 years.
Importation of prescription drugs will lower prices, have an online presence in the mix with this crossover name + included with winning bid + domain(s) registered with Network Solutions for 22 years.